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Contact Kellner Herlihy Getty & Friedman, LLP

Kellner Herlihy Getty & Friedman LLP is home to a seasoned team of partners, associate lawyers and skilled paralegals and staff.  Their approach to the law and legal acumen have been carefully honed over decades to ensure clients receive only the highest quality service.

Located in Manhattan, the firm serves clients throughout New York and globally.  The firm’s attorney can be reached by phone, or online by submitting the form below.

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Please note any e-mail or other communications sent from you to us through this web site does not create an attorney client relationship and will not be treated as confidential unless KHGF agrees in advance to treat it as such. Accordingly, do not send us any information about any matter which may involve you unless and until we have formalized an agreement to represent you and authorized you to send that information to us.

    Sophisticated attorneys.  Superior results.